Chertsey Weir Guide
The original pourover feature for the Summer
Announcement: In the summer months the guys from WWTCC meet at Chertsey regularly.
Chertsey Weir Guide
The original pourover feature for the Summer
Announcement: In the summer months the guys from WWTCC meet at Chertsey regularly.
There is often flat bottomed boats moored directly opposite the feature and even though not immediately dangerous people have had to exit there kayaks and ended up under neath these boats, so please be aware and if you do swim please go down stream away from the moorings.

Feature Description
When Hurley is on one, or has closed, the water pouring out of a 2 metre wide channel draining the lock cut provides some pourover sport. It can be good for cartwheel type stuff, mystery moves and nobbing around having fun. In the winter, when the Thames is very high, a surfing wave appears under the side spill gates river right of the pourover. It is apparently good for people who are not quite ready for Shepperton or a big four gates at Hurley

Summer Feature
Water level: A refuge for freestyle paddlers in the long summer months as it is only in the very hottest and driest summer that the feature at Chertsey stops working..

From the M25, take Junction 11 and follow the signs to Chertsey. 500 metres after you pass the big Snow and Rock shop you will come to a T junction with traffic lights. Turn right towards Shepperton. 500 metres on you will cross Chertsey bridge over the Thames. You can turn right left and park on the side of the road somewere upstream of the lock – taking care to not block the entrance to the caravan park. Alternatively, there is a small car park to the right (i.e. downstream, river left) of the bridge which may be better for groups. There have been many break-ins to cars, so please take care.

Looking back at the weir over the years!
Weir kayaking coaching providers
Rock the Boat Activities

Sweetwater Coaching

Jacko's Freestyle Coaching

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