TVF Awards

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TVF Awards

TVFreestylers (TVFS) is the web based community hub of freestyle paddling here in the Thames Valley.

This year and from here to eternity TVFS will present annual awards. The coverted awards will be awarded for notable achievements throughout the previous year or over a longer period. In the past award titles have included:-

• Best Junior Female
• Best Junior Male
• Best Senior Female
• Best Senior Male
• Best International Paddler.
• The final award award of the evening is inspired by Graeme Laycock who was a TV Freestyler who optimised the community spirit of freestyle. Graeme, who sadly passed away in 2012, was the guy who always helped at events, always helped people who were nervous or struggling and always enjoyed the community we all paddle in. This award is called the Graeme Laycock TVFS Community Paddler of the Year.

The accolade of winning these awards is immense and your name will be put in the TVFS Hall of Fame page for all to see forever more.

To nominate someone for these awards send an email over to [email protected] Remember they don’t have to have the same award title as above, indeed in 2014 expect to see some of the above titles missing and some new ones in their place.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_wp_custommenu title=”TVF Weir Guides” nav_menu=”4″][vc_wp_posts title=”Latest News” number=”5″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]